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- Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!faqserv
- From: johnl@ora.com (John Labovitz)
- Newsgroups: alt.zines,alt.etext,misc.writing,rec.mag,alt.internet.services,alt.answers,misc.answers,rec.answers,news.answers
- Subject: Zines on the Internet (3/5)
- Supersedes: <writing/zines/part3_801929995@rtfm.mit.edu>
- Followup-To: poster
- Date: 22 Jun 1995 15:57:07 GMT
- Organization: none
- Lines: 1641
- Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
- Expires: 27 Jul 1995 15:54:13 GMT
- Message-ID: <writing/zines/part3_803836453@rtfm.mit.edu>
- References: <writing/zines/part1_803836453@rtfm.mit.edu>
- Reply-To: johnl@ora.com (John Labovitz)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bloom-picayune.mit.edu
- X-Last-Updated: 1995/03/20
- Originator: faqserv@bloom-picayune.MIT.EDU
- Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.zines:12330 alt.etext:1486 misc.writing:60440 rec.mag:3667 alt.internet.services:54061 alt.answers:10153 misc.answers:2183 rec.answers:12754 news.answers:46867
- Archive-name: writing/zines/part3
- Last-modifed: 95/3/15
- Distribution-agent: ldetweil@csn.org
- (This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM. See the
- bottom for more information, including instructions on how to
- obtain updates.)
- ===
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- i can't tell you anything
- "WWW Home Page of poet Deborah Sellers. Includes audio selection."
- Format: HTML
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.iquest.net/cw/debi/poem.html
- Contact:
- Editor(s): deborah sellers <poet@iquest.net>
- Phone: +1 317 769 5049
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ideals, Dreams and Hard Facts
- "An on-line DISNEY newsletter, offering readers a chance to sound off
- on all things DISNEY, including the theme parks, motion picture and
- television studios, software, and more. All articles written by
- readers, and submissions are more than welcome!"
- Format: ASCII
- Frequency: bi-monthly, hoping to go monthly by summer
- Access:
- Usenet: rec.arts.disney
- alt.disney.disneyland
- Subscriptions: To: silver@peach.epix.net
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Chris Harrower <silver@peach.epix.net>
- Fax: +1 717 560 0680
- Phone: +1 717 560 0605 (work #)
- Postal: PO Box 233, Ronks, PA 17572, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Improvijazzation Nation
- "Fave D.I.Y./indie 'zine, used for contact by artists the world
- over."
- Format: ASCII text (samples)
- paper
- Frequency: quarterly
- Access:
- Email: dmetcalf@freenet.scri.fsu.edu
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Dick Metcalf aka Rotcod Zzaj
- <dmetcalf@freenet.scri.fsu.edu>
- Postal: Dick Metcalf, HQ 19th TAACOM, UNIT 15015, POB 2879,
- APO AP 96218-0171, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- iMpulse Music Journal
- "A comprehensive journal of music news, information, and opinion.
- iMpulse covers ALL music styles. Monthly contests and extra music
- review supplements add to the content. With a staff of journalists
- and contributors from around the globe iMpulse brings all the music
- to you. Think of it as a music multi-vitamin!"
- Format: ASCII text
- Frequency: monthly
- Note: Submissions are welcomed. Write to editor for
- details. iMpulse is still accepting applications
- for staff positions. All positions are unpaid
- since iMpulse is a volunteer effort.
- Access:
- Gopher: gopher.enews.com: music/impulse
- AOL: ???
- eWorld: ???
- Usenet: alt.zines
- Subscriptions: To: impulse@dsigroup.com
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Richard F. Crum <rfcrum@clark.net>
- Roger L. Yee <ryee@dsigroup.com>
- Phone: Richard F. Crum M-F EST 202-626-4180
- Postal: PO Box 328, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- In, Around and Online
- "Summarizes the weekly events in online services industry. It is
- geared towards the big consumer services like CompuServe, America
- Online, Prodigy, etc. There are also tidbits on new services that
- can be found on the net."
- Frequency: weekly
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.clark.net/pub/robert/home.html
- FTP: ftp.clark.net: /pub/robert/
- Usenet: alt.online-service
- alt.internet.services
- alt.business
- Subscriptions: To: listserv@clark.net
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Robert Seidman <robert@clark.net>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- In Vivo
- "General literary magazine. No genre requirements. We are a zine of
- quality literary works. We publish mainly fiction and poetry but are
- willing to look at anything. How often we publish will depend on how
- much good work writers send us."
- Format: ASCII
- Frequency: quarterly
- Access:
- WWW: http://freenet3.scri.fsu.edu:81/users/jtillman/titlepage.html
- Other: Tallahassee Freenet
- Contact:
- Editor(s): James Tillman <jtillman@freenet.fsu.edu>
- Phone: +1 904 671 4924
- Postal: 2731 Blair Stone Rd., Apt. 178, Tallahassee, FL
- 32301, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Indie-List Digest
- "A twice-weekly digest of writing related to the world of independent
- music (i.e. stuff generally not found on major labels or
- commercial-alternative radio). Record reviews, live-show reviews,
- occasional commentary, entirely reader driven. Be polite and patient
- with us; there are no LISTSERVS or major-domos involved in the
- creation or distribution of this list."
- Format: ASCII
- Frequency: twice weekly (usually...)
- Access:
- FTP: ftp.uwp.edu: /music/lists/indie/
- www.wit.com: /music/lists/indie/
- Subscriptions: grumpy@access.digex.net (in plain english)
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Eric Sinclair <esinclai@indiana.edu>
- Anne Zender <azender@indiana.edu>
- Chris Karlof (Archivist) <karlofc@seq.uncwil.edu>
- Sean Murphy (Mailing Manager)
- <grumpy@access.digex.net>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- infoZine (tm)
- ""Kansas City's Premier Digital Monthly Magazine" -- infoZine will
- always bring you articles and cartoons that will enhance your life.
- A life that is varied and complex. You don't live in a shell or a
- cave where only one topic, one subject, will satisfy you. Your life
- is full with the inter-connectivity of the world. Hence, we bring
- you infoZine. A magazine for the generalist among us. May it spark
- you and your family on to other investigations. Articles, features,
- columnist, cartoons, b&w + color photos and graphics. Zcool!"
- Format: NeoBook (VGA - 16 colors or better) -
- "ZINE****.exe"
- ReadRoom (text version) - "ZINR****.ZIP"
- Frequency: by the fifth, monthly
- Access:
- FTP: infozine.fileshop.com: /pub/infozine/
- FidoNet: 1:280/9
- BBS: The File Shop (+1 913 262 7000)
- One CrossRoads Place (+1 913 663 1100)
- Sound Advice (+1 816 436 1492)
- PCHelp (+1 816 331 4703)
- South of the River (+1 913 642 7907)
- JCCC (+1 913 469 4401)
- Email: infozine@fileshop.com
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Richard Greene <infozine@fileshop.com>
- Fax: +1 816 523 2661
- Phone: +1 816 523 2661
- Postal: P.O. Box 22661, Kansas City, MO 64113-2661, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Inquisitor Magazine
- "The Inquisitor is an eclectic mix of culture, art and technology.
- The premiere issue focuses on: apocalypse culture, low-tech
- microcontroller projects, copyright, global telecommunications,
- Godzilla, a diary of New York City living, religious tracts and
- more. Future issues will look at: Marketing and pop culture,
- recursive television, women and language online, low-tech
- do-it-yourself media, microcontroller projects, sampling in modern
- music, modern music reviews and much more. GUARANTEED 100%
- Frequency: quarterly
- ISSN: 1076-5492
- Access:
- WWW: http://mosaic.echonyc.com/~xixax/Inquisitor/
- Gopher: echonyc.com: Pub/INQ
- Other: ECHO: Media and Zines conferences (telnet:
- echonyc.com)
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Dany Drennan <inquisitor@echonyc.com>
- Laurel Sutton <inquisitor@echonyc.com>
- Fax: +1 212 595 8370
- Phone: +1 212 595 8370
- Postal: PO Box 132, NYNY 10024, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Intelligent Gamer
- "Intelligent Gamer is the first national videogame magazine found
- ONLY online. We cover all home systems including Nintendo, Sega,
- Atari, 3DO and other platforms, arcades, and PC/Mac and other
- computer games."
- Format: ASCII text with sound and graphics ("Prodigy HTML")
- Frequency: new issues released on the 1st and 15th of each
- month
- news updates as events warrant
- Access:
- Prodigy: JUMP: TimesLink then select "Under 21" then
- "Intelligent Gamer"
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Anthony Shubert (Publisher) <zksd59a@prodigy.com>
- Jer Horwitz (Senior Editor) <zksd59b@prodigy.com>
- Tanya Kutasz (Art Director)
- <tnkutasz@ugcs.caltech.edu>
- Postal: Innovative Creations, 1077 West 30th Street, Los
- Angeles, CA 90007, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Interactive Yellow Pages
- "An electronic directory of important people around the world with
- special offers for users."
- Format: Windows Help file
- Frequency: monthly
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.netcenter.com/
- FTP: garnet.msen.com: /pub/vendor/lighthouse/
- AOL: Windows Library, Reference section
- Compuserve: WINSHARE FORUM, Lib 10, Yellowsx.zip (x denotes
- latest version number)
- Channel1
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Mike Mathiesen, Lighthouse Productions
- <lite@ix.netcom.com>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- inter\face
- "An electronic literary magazine dedicated to exploring the
- relationship between poetry and electronic media. inter\face looks
- forward at the future of poetry through the acceptance, knowledge,
- and utilization of the ideas of past and present. inter\face is
- about language and writing, not computers."
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: quarterly
- Access:
- WWW: http://cscmosiac.albany.edu/~interfac
- Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/Interface
- gopher.cic.net: e-serials/archive/alphabetic/i/interface
- wings.buffalo.edu: internet/library/e-journals/ub/rift/journals/list/interface
- FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/Interface/
- ftp.cic.net: /pub/e-serials/archive/alphabetic/i/interface/
- AOL: Select keyword: PDA; Select: Palmtop Paperbacks;
- Select: Electronic Articles and Newsletters
- Subscriptions: interfac@cnsunix.albany.edu (real person, not
- automated)
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Benjamin Henry <interfac@cnsunix.albany.edu>
- Submissions: interfac@cnsunix.albany.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- InterFace Magazine
- "The magazine featuring 'creative' use of computers & technology.
- Intelligent reading material. Famous writers, Great Graphics,
- Stories for downloading, Columns, Articles, Interviews, and a bunch
- more cool stuff."
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: bimonthly
- Note: We publish hard copy too, 5000 per issue. Into our
- second year. Writer's guidelines and digital
- requirements online. Always open to submissions
- from writers and artists.
- Access:
- WWW: http://vvv.com/interface/
- Email: interface@vvv.com
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Robert McCourty <interface@vvv.com>
- Phone: +1 604 595 3992
- Postal: 3341 Keats Street, Victoria, BC, CANADA, V8P 4B2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- International TeleTimes
- "International Teletimes is a general interest magazine. Each issue
- contains a new feature. These themes tend to be quite broad and are
- of international interest. There are several regular columns such as
- The Keepers of Light (photography), The Wine Enthusiast, The Latin
- Quarter (articles from and concerning Central America) and Deja Vu
- (articles pertaining to past themes). Teletimes has contributors
- from all around the world but is constantly looking for additional
- staff members. If you are interested, please e-mail the editor."
- Format: ASCII text
- World Wide Web
- Frequency: 6 issues/year
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.wimsey.com/teletimes/teletimes_home_page.html
- http://www.acns.nwu.edu/ezines/teletimes/
- Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/Intl_Teletimes
- FTP: ftp.etext.org: /Zines/Intl_Teletimes/
- sumex-aim.stanford.edu: /info-mac/per/tele/
- BBS: OneNet (network of FirstClass BBSes)
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Ian Wojtowicz <editor@teletimes.com>
- Postal: International TeleTimes, 3938 West 30th Ave.,
- Vancouver, BC, V6S 1X3, Canada
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Internet Business Journal
- "The Internet Business Journal is dedicated to documenting innovative
- uses of the Internet by entrepreneurs in all commercial sectors.
- Stay informed of commercial services and products on the Internet,
- small and large business use of the Internet, and resources for the
- virtual business community."
- Format: ASCII text
- paper
- Frequency: 12 issues/year
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.phoenix.ca/sie
- Gopher: gopher.fonorola.net: Internet Business Journal
- gopher.cic.net: e-serials/alphabetic/i/internet-business-journal
- FTP: ftp.cic.net: /e-serials/alphabetic/i/internet-business-journal/
- ftp.fonorola.net: /Internet Business Journal/
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Aneurin Bosley <editor@strangelove.com>
- Fax: +1 613 569 4433
- Phone: +1 613 565 0982
- Postal: Strangelove Internet Enterprises, 208 Somerset
- Street East, Suite A, Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N
- 6V2
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- InterText
- "InterText is a fiction magazine printing stories in all genres from
- mainstream to science fiction. It's read by thousands of subscribers
- on six continents, and has been published since March 1991."
- Format: ASCII text
- PostScript
- Adobe Acrobat PDF
- Frequency: bi-monthly
- ISSN: 1071-7676
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/
- Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/InterText
- FTP: network.ucsd.edu: /intertext/
- ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/InterText/
- AOL: Keyword: PDA (Palmtop Paperbacks -> EZines ->
- Fiction)
- eWorld: in ZiffNet Software Library (Keyword: ZIFFNET), in
- Software Central/Electronic
- Publications/Additional Publications
- Compuserve: Electronic Frontier Foundation's "Zines from the
- Net" section, accessible by typing "GO EFFSIG"
- Email: intertext@etext.org
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Jason Snell <jsnell@etext.org>
- Geoff Duncan <gaduncan@halcyon.com> (assistant
- editor)
- Susan Grossman c/o <intertext@etext.org> (assistant
- editor)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- "Punk rawwwk, technology, and the DIY effort unite into one tasty and
- scrumptious package with articles, audio samples, links to other
- punk rawwkers on the WWW, as well as an opportunity to get a few
- freebies if I have any in stock... Tools also available for live,
- real-time Internet audio and video conferencing! Go ahead... You
- know, deep in your heart -- YOU'RE a NRRRD!"
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: Whenever I Can Get Spare Time(tm)
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.etext.org/Zines/Intrrr.Nrrrd/intrrr.html
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Bri Cors <corsbria@student.msu.edu>
- Phone: +1 517 333 3560
- Postal: 220 Charles #2, East Lansing, MI 48823, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- I/O/D
- "I/O/D is a new interactive multi-media e-zine. Distributed free over
- the networks, small and perfectly deformed it creates high density
- chaos in a confined space. I/O/D investigates traces of linearity,
- anti-linearity and straight talking by ex-humans who: Destroy
- dogmatic language systems on a regular basis. Produce mind-curdling
- animations or quick time movies. Make unearthly noises, loops,
- samples. Rant like old testament prophets with bio-electrical
- implants."
- Format: Macromind Directory (BinHexed self-extracting
- archive)
- Access:
- Email: ifgraphics@gn.apc.org
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Simon Pope, Colin Green, Matthew Fuller
- <ifgraphics@gn.apc.org>
- Postal: I/O/D, BM Jed, London, WC1N 3XX, UK
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- It'sNEW! Magazine
- "A new, high quality, color magazine about inventions, trends and
- innovative new products. Premier issue, available worldwide Feb 21,
- 1995, contains over 200 new products and ideas. The interactive
- on-line version includes selected articles and solicits reader
- inputs for the "Why don't they make ..." page."
- Frequency: bi-monthly
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.cts.com/~itsnew
- Subscriptions: itsnew@cts.com
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Ian McLean <itsnew@cts.com>
- Submissions: itsnew@cts.com
- Fax: +1 619 278 9081
- Phone: 800 333 9345 (USA)
- 800 786 7115 (Can)
- +1 619 278 9080
- Postal: Sunshine Publishing Company, Inc., 7060 Convoy
- Court, San Diego, CA 92111
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- "JASBITS reports on all aspects of net.culture, in a generally
- humorous context. Also included are tips on where to get "Cool
- Things," such as software, images, and info files. Each issue is
- "illustrated" throughout, using ASCII art created by featured
- Netizens."
- Format: ASCII text
- Frequency: irregularly, every three months
- Access:
- Subscriptions: To: jsquires@cerf.net
- Text: <your email address>
- Contact:
- Editor(s): James A. Squires <jsquires@cerf.net>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Journal of American Underground Computing
- "The ultimate newsworthy underground publication covering topics such
- as hacking, security, legal issues, and world-wide networking. We
- also cover book reviews, cutting-edge technology, editorials,
- advertising, and much, much more!"
- Format: ASCII
- Frequency: quarterly (January, April, July, October)
- ISSN: 1074-3111
- Access:
- FTP: gopher.etext.org: Zines/JAUC
- ftp.fc.net: /pub/tjoauc/
- Email: info@fennec.com (general info)
- Subscriptions: sub@fennec.com
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Scott Davis (Editor in Chief)
- <dfox@freeside.fc.net>
- Max Mednick (Co-Editor) <kahuna@freeside.fc.net>
- Submissions: submit@fennec.com
- Postal: 10111 N. Lamar #25, Austin, Texas 78753, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Journal of Buddhist Ethics
- "The Journal of Buddhist Ethics is the first academic journal devoted
- entirely to Buddhist ethics, and is innovative in adopting a totally
- electronic mode of publication. In most other respects, however, it
- will function as a traditional scholarly journal. Research papers
- and discussion articles submitted to the journal will be subject to
- blind peer review."
- Format: ASCII text
- World Wide Web
- Frequency: continuous
- ISSN: 1076-9005
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.cac.psu.edu/jbe/jbe.html
- http://www.gold.ac.uk/jbe.html
- FTP: ftp.cac.psu.edu: /pub/jbe/
- ftp.gold.ac.uk: /pub/jbe/
- coombs.anu.edu.au: /coombspapers/otherarchives/electronic-buddhist-archives/buddhism-general/e-journals/jbe
- Email: jbe-ed@psu.edu (editors)
- jbe-l@psuvm.psu.edu (listserv)
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Damien Keown <d.keown@gold.ac.uk>
- Charles S. Prebish <csp1@psuvm.psu.edu>
- Wayne R. Husted <wrh7@psu.edu>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Journal of Onestar
- "An ORIGINAL humor/satire publication published weekly from the
- offices of Onestar Central. Considered by some to be a cross between
- an on-line sit com and cutting edge sarcasm, the Journal offers
- something for everyone. Each weekly issue is mailed out in five
- sections, NOTES FROM THE PUBLISHER (whatever he may be thinking of
- that week), THE MISTER HOCKEY SECTION (sports, sex and the
- occasional top ten list), ENTERTAINMENT REPORT (featuring Adam
- Richter, e-mail's version of Dave Barry), SPECIAK K (Kelly and Kim,
- providing a woman's touch to an overly testosterone-laden
- publication), and THE BARD REPORT (thoughtful, insightful and
- sometimes controversial, but always funny.)"
- Format: ASCII text
- Frequency: weekly
- Access:
- Email: onestar@vms.cis.pitt.edu #%www
- http://www.pitt.edu/~onestar/onepage.html
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Eric F. Schetley <onestar@vms.cis.pitt.edu>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Journal of the PK Institute for Information Engineering
- "A gaming related 'zine dedicated mostly to GURPS. (HTML version of
- the paper version printed in "All of the Above".)"
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: quarterly
- Access:
- WWW: http://http2.sils.umich.edu/~superman/jpkinst.html
- Contact:
- Editor(s): David S. Carter <david.s.carter@umich.edu>
- Phone: +1 313 663 7413
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Keepers
- "A prototype ASCII-illustrated personal best-of-Netnews zine,
- including net culture and kooks, conspiracy, Macintoshes, and other
- wierdness."
- Format: ASCII text and graphics
- Frequency: infrequent, at this point
- Access:
- FTP: ftp.mcs.com: /mcsnet.users/jorn/keepers/
- Usenet: alt.zines
- alt.best.of.internet
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Jorn Barger <jorn@mcs.com>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- "KNKKK is a part of KNK project, originally -- paper zine in English
- about Lithuania (and our neighbouring countries)
- underground/alternative/punk scene. Here you can find Lithuanian
- scene report, interviews with local groups, info about Latvia's
- underground, and LITHUANIAN BEER report. All in all punk zine's
- elektirc version (quite interesting and funny)."
- Format: ASCII text
- Frequency: no one knows
- Access:
- Gopher: zalgiris.pit.ktu.lt: DistributedSystems/Alternative_Music_Info/E-zines
- Contact:
- Editor(s): JuNe <jurena@zalgiris.pit.ktu.lt> (contact)
- Postal: Sarunas Karalius, P.O. Box 114, 3005 Kaunas,
- Lithuania
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Kyosaku
- "Kyosaku (n.) -- The stick that Zen masters use to whup their
- students upside the head, sending them on the path to higher
- consciousness. This magazine is dedicated to endangered concepts.
- These concepts are: humor, art, philosophy, the quest for higher
- consciousness, uncalled-for-absurdity in the face of pessimism, and
- unpretensiousness."
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: quarterly
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.cs.oberlin.edu/students/djacobs/kyo/kyomain.html
- Contact:
- Editor(s): David Jacobs <djacobs@cs.oberlin.edu>
- Michael Janssen <janssmp3@wfu.edu>
- Jim McNamee <rg94900868@vax1.may.ie>
- Sudama Rice <sarF93@hamp.hampshire.edu>
- Derek Kershaw <dpkers@mail.wm.edu>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Lady in the Radiator Online
- Format: ASCII text
- Access:
- WWW: http://nyx10.cs.du.edu:8001/~jrasmuss
- Contact:
- Editor(s): John Rasmussen <jrasmuss@nyx10.cs.du.edu>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Late Show News
- "News and opinions about the late-night talk show industry, with
- special emphasis on _Late Show with David Letterman_. Complete guest
- listings for upcoming shows of all the big talkers."
- Format: ASCII text
- Frequency: every Tuesday
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~jl8287/late.news.html
- Gopher: echonyc.com: Pub/LSN
- The WELL: topic 648 in the tv conference (g tv)
- Usenet: alt.fan.letterman
- alt.tv.talkshows.late
- rec.arts.tv
- alt.zines
- Subscriptions: To: listproc@echonyc.com
- Text: subscribe late-show-news Your Name
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Aaron Barnhart <barnhart@echonyc.com>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- LIMINAL -- Liminal Explorations
- "LIMINAL seeks to apply new inter and transdisciplinary methods,
- theories, ideas, concepts, and approaches to the study of cultural
- phenomena as well as the inventive application of existing
- approaches. The term 'cultural phenomena' is taken to mean, but not
- limited to meaning: 1) an activity engaged in by humans as members
- of a social network, 2) the product(s) of such engagement(s), 3) the
- motivators of such activities or engagements, 4) the functioning of
- such social networks themselves."
- Format: ASCII text
- Access:
- Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/Liminal
- gopher.cic.net: e-serials/alphabetic/l/liminal
- FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/Liminal/
- ftp.cic.net: /pub/e-serials/alphabetic/l/liminal/
- Contact:
- Editor(s): <swilbur@andy.bgsu.edu>
- Postal: The Liminal Group, Box 154, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH
- 43403, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Line Noiz
- "Line Noiz publishes cyberpunk sci-fi, cyberpunk related articles and
- news from the net."
- Format: ASCII text
- Frequency: bi-weekly (irregular)
- Access:
- Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/Linenoiz
- FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/Linenoiz/
- AOL: ???
- Usenet: alt.cyberpunk
- alt.cyberspace
- alt.zines
- Subscriptions: To: dodger@fubar.bk.psu.edu
- Text: Subscription LineNoiz <your address>
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Billy Biggs <ae687@freenet.carleton.ca>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- LiNK
- "LiNK is a commentary electronic magazine filled with articles that
- are informative and interesting. Some articles will cause debates,
- others will make you say "Hmm, I didn't know that" and still others
- will simply make you laugh. If you're looking for something that is
- generally entertaining LiNK is the zine for you!"
- Format: ASCII
- LiNK DOS viewer
- Frequency: 1st of every month
- Access:
- Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/LiNK
- FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/LiNK/
- FidoNet: 1:250/808
- BBS: The Intoxicated BBS +1 416 663 7044
- Subscriptions: link@tor250.org (state whether plain ASCII or
- LiNK's DOS viewer is desired)
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Mark Bylok <mb@tor250.org>
- Fax: +1 416 663 4113
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- THE LION Online
- "THE LION Online is a text version of The Lion Sleeps, a print
- fanzine for fans of the Canadian professional figure skater Brian
- Orser. Published since 1989, The Lion Sleeps (and, as of June/July
- 1994, THE LION Online) contains news and information on Brian
- Orser's career, where he is performing and can be seen on
- television, as well as reviews of shows (both live and televised) in
- which Brian performs, interviews with Brian, letter column,
- editorials, and a buy-sell-swap-items-and-find-pen (or e-)-pals
- column. The e-zine includes everything but the photos. Contributions
- by readers are welcomed. Send email for more info on the printed
- version."
- Format: ASCII text
- Frequency: whenever the situation warrants
- Access:
- Email: tamcmp@rit.edu
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Trudi Marrapodi <MARRAPODI.TA@a1.rit.edu>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Lumpen
- "Lumpen magazine is a Chicago-based 52 page 20,000 circulation
- publication. The next issue will be its 26th monthly printing.
- Topics covered in recent issues have been: Paranoia, survival, and
- sex. Along with each issue's theme articles, are a series of regular
- columns. Two of these are Uncommon Sense, written by Edward McNamara
- which offers an uncommon, yet logical view of current issues, and
- Full Count, Mike Genet, is a political column from a
- liberal/progressive viewpoint. With the capabilities of the WWW,
- Lumpen staff have created a highly graphic, hypertext version of
- their urban mag."
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: monthly
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.interaccess.com/users/edmc/lumptime
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Chris Molnar, Leslie Stella, and Ed Marzewski
- <Lumptime@mcs.com>
- Edward McNamara <edmc@interaccess.com> (Web Editor)
- Fax: +1 312 227 2072
- Phone: +1 312 227 2072
- Postal: Lumpen, 2558 West Armitage Ave, Chicago, IL 60647,
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mac Net Journal
- "An interactive zine for Macintosh users who want to make the most of
- their net-use, downloads, and Macintosh computers. MNJ deals with
- any number of issues and topics from software reviews to general
- trends in computing. We try to stay away from reviews of commercial
- soft and hardware, preferring instead to try to show users how to
- make the most of freeware and shareware. It is written for the
- average, everyday Macintosh user (but we welcome Techies). MNJ is a
- combination of text, sound, graphics, and anything else you might
- want. The web version of Mac Net Journal, Mac Net Journal Online, is
- somewhat different from the downloadable version. You may want to
- try both. Subscriptions are free."
- Format: DOCMaker (Macintosh application)
- Frequency: biweekly
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.netaxs.com/~aaron/
- FTP: ftp.netaxs.com: /pub/
- AOL: Search software files for "Mac Net Journal" or
- "MNJ" to find issues
- eWorld: Use shortcut "Shareware"; the library path is
- Software Central / Electronic Publications /
- Additional Publications
- Compuserve: Use "Go Downtech" to access ZiffNet/Mac's forum or
- use "Go MACCOMM" to visit Macintosh Apple Users
- Group's communication's forum (look in library 14
- - Mac Internet stuff)
- Subscriptions: aaron@netaxs.com
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Aaron Anderson <aaron@netaxs.com>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mac Star Digest
- "Mac Star Digest is a Macintosh-based electronic publication
- dedicated to Science Fiction and other futuristic themes. The eZine
- covers many aspects of SF literature, including reviews, commentary,
- currents, fiction and humor. MSD is a contributor-based publication,
- and the Editor welcomes submissions of original written work or
- artwork."
- Format: Macintosh DOCMaker (stand-alone document)
- Frequency: bi-monthly, on even-numbered months
- Access:
- AOL: Macintosh Desktop Publishing Forum, keyword "MDP"
- Macworld Online Forum, keyword "Macworld"
- OMNI Forum, keyword "OMNI"
- eWorld: Community Center's Trading Posts
- SF, Fantasy & Horror Forum
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Marton F. Carungay <martonc@aol.com>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mac*Chat
- "Mac*Chat is a free electronic newsletter biased toward Mac users who
- are production-oriented professionals. It is written in a friendly,
- non-technical manner, and covers many wide-ranging topics. It
- includes many step-by-step tutorials, opinions and alerts. It's very
- different from the rest of the Mac newsletters!"
- Frequency: weekly
- Access:
- Subscriptions: To: listserv@vm.temple.edu
- Text: SUBSCRIBE MACCHAT <Your full name>
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Tony Lindsey <xxltony@cts.com>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mary Jane
- "The Mary Jane E-Zine is dedicated to the worldwide cannabis culture.
- We encourage the stoners of the world to leap from their smokey
- closets and unite in a digital revolution! Log In...Light
- Up...and...Drop OUT!"
- Format: ASCII
- Frequency: bi-monthly(ish)
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.paranoia.com/maryjane/
- FTP: ftp.paranoia.com: /pub/maryjane/
- Usenet: alt.drugs
- alt.drugs.pot
- alt.hemp
- Subscriptions: To: stash-request@paranoia.com; Text: Subscribe
- Stash
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Damian Caynes (aka Info Freako)
- <freako@suburbia.apana.org.au>
- Submissions: freako@suburbia.apana.org.au
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Media 3
- "Media 3 is the Media education resource magazine from Melbourne's
- (Australia) Deakin University Rusden Campus."
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: 2 yearly (we hope)
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.deakin.edu.au/arts/VPMA/Media3.html
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Peter Grennaway <greenp@deakin.edu.au>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Meeker
- "Meeker is a ZINE for the younger people who use the Internet, it is
- yet another techno-zine. What is discussed is mainly the Internet,
- and other technology/computers. We review sites, of interest files,
- etc. We have sections for you to write in, and for your articles if
- you want to submit them. We think that we are different from the
- others since we cover cooler issues. We cover everything from art,
- to hacking."
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.winternet.com/~chada/meeker.html
- FTP: ftp.winternet.com: /users/chada/meeker/
- Subscriptions: To: chad@bitstream.mpls.mn.us
- Subject: subscribe
- Text: name and email address
- Contact:
- Editor(s): chad <chad@bitstream.mpls.mn.us>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- "MELVIN is written by the staff of THE ONION at the U of Illinois, a
- publication called "...the funniest, wittiest, and most clever prose
- around" by MTV's Jon E. Ten Eyck. MELVIN's outrageous humor and
- clever entertainment features make it everything a wonderful WWW
- magazine should be."
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: bi-weekly
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.melvin.com
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Matt Nolker (Editor-in-Chief)
- <mnolker@prairienet.org>
- Fax: +1 217 355 5032
- Phone: 1 800 3MELVIN
- Postal: 41 E. University Avenue, Suite 201, Champaign, IL
- 61820, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Meta Magazine
- "Covers issues of particular interest to the net community, including
- but not limited to: cryptography, electronic publishing, free
- software development, intellectual property, internet
- commercialization, privacy and virtual communities."
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: monthly
- Access:
- FTP: ftp.netcom.com: /pub/mlinksva/meta.html
- Email: <mlinksva@netcom.com> (subject "sendinfo")
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Mike Linksvayer <mlinksva@netcom.com>
- Fax: +1 415 327 7629
- Phone: +1 415 431 0775
- Postal: Meta Magazine, 1800 Market #31, San Francisco, CA
- 94102, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- the mini-Annals of Improbable Research ("mini-AIR")
- "Publishes news about overly stimulating research and ideas.
- Specifically: A) Haphazardly selected superficial (but advanced!)
- extracts of research news and satire from the The Annals of
- Improbable Research. B) News about the annual Ig Nobel Prize
- ceremony. Ig Nobel Prizes honor "achievements that cannot or should
- not be reproduced." A public ceremony is held at MIT, in Cambridge
- Massachusetts, every autumn. The ceremony is sponsored jointly by
- AIR and by the MIT Museum. C) News about other science humor
- activities conducted by the MIT Museum and AIR."
- Format: ASCII text
- ISSN: 1076-500X
- Access:
- Usenet: clari.feature.imprb_research
- Subscriptions: To: LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU
- Text: SUBSCRIBE MINI-AIR <your name>
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Marc Abrahams <air@mit.edu>
- Fax: +1 (617) 253-8994
- Phone: +1 (617) 253-8329
- Postal: The Annals of Improbable Research (AIR), c/o The
- MIT Museum, 265 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA
- 02139, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Miniatures Page
- "The Miniatures Page is dedicated to miniature wargaming in all
- periods: historical, fantasy, science fiction and silly; ground or
- naval; all figure scales; from grand-tactical to skirmish level."
- Format: World Wide Web
- Frequency: continuous (Check "What's New" to find the latest
- articles)
- Access:
- WWW: http://biochem.dental.upenn.edu/Mosaic/bill/tmp.html
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Bill Armintrout <barmintr@origin.ea.com>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Mini-Journal of Irreproducible Results ("mini-JIR")
- "Publishes news about overly stimulating research and ideas.
- Specifically: A) Haphazardly selected superficial (but advanced!)
- extracts of research news and satire from the Journal of
- Irreproducible Results (JIR). B) News about the annual Ig Nobel
- Prize ceremony. Ig Nobel Prizes honor "achievements that cannot or
- should not be reproduced." A public ceremony is held at MIT, in
- Cambridge Massachusetts, every autumn. The ceremony is sponsored
- jointly by JIR and by the MIT Museum. C) News about other science
- humor activities conducted by the MIT Museum and JIR."
- Format: ASCII text
- Access:
- Gopher: gopher.cic.net: e-serials/alphabetic/j/jir
- FTP: ftp.cic.net: /pub/e-serials/alphabetic/j/jir/
- Subscriptions: To: LISTSERV@MITVMA.MIT.EDU
- Text: SUBSCRIBE MINI-JIR <your name>
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Marc Abrahams
- Phone: +1 617 491 4437
- Postal: The Journal of Irreproducible Results, c/o Wisdom
- Simulators, P.O. Box 380853, Cambridge, MA,
- 02238, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Minnesota Online Press
- "A hypertext publication by University of Minnesota Students from the
- English, IT, Journalism, Philosophy, and CSCL departments. Sections
- include World News, Bits and Bytes, Features, Prose and Poetry,
- Variety, and Editorials and Opinions.""
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: every two weeks
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.umn.edu/nlhome/g357/rebh0001/Online/online.html
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Adam Rebholz (Editor-in-Chief)
- <rebh0001@gold.tc.umn.edu>
- Vincent Hopwood (Executive Editor, Public
- Relations) <hopw0001@gold.tc.umn.edu>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Morpo Review
- "How about Sonnets to Captain Kangaroo, free-verse ruminations
- comparing plastic lawn ornaments to _Love Boat_ or nearly anything
- with cows in it. No, not cute, Smurfy little "ha ha" ditties -- back
- reality into a corner and snarl! Some good examples are "Oatmeal" by
- Galway Kinnell, "A Supermarket In California" by Allen Ginsberg, or
- the 6th section of Wallace Stevens' "Six Significant Landscapes.""
- Format: ASCII text
- Reading Room (DOS)
- PostScript
- Access:
- WWW: http://morpo.creighton.edu/morpo/
- Gopher: morpo.creighton.edu: The.Morpo.Review
- gopher.etext.org: Zines/Morpo.Review
- FTP: morpo.creighton.edu: /pub/zines/morpo/
- ftp.etext.org: /Zines/Morpo.Review/
- AOL: use Keyword PDA, then select "Palmtop Paperbacks",
- "EZine Libraries", "Writing", "More Writing"
- BBS: The Outlands (Ketchikan, Alaska, USA) (+1
- 907-247-1219, +1 907-225-1219, +1 907-225-1220)
- [The home BBS system for the ReadRoom BBS Door
- format. You can download the IBM-PC/DOS ReadRoom
- version here, as well as read it interactively
- on-line via the ReadRoom door installed on the
- system.]
- The Myths and Legends of Levania (Council Bluffs,
- Iowa, USA) (+1 712-325-8867) [Located in the
- heart of the original Morpo and, in fact, is a
- direct descendant of the original _The Land of
- Morpo_ Bulletin Board System. You can download
- both the IBM-PC/DOS ReadRoom versions and ASCII
- text versions of _TMR_ here.]
- Alliance Communications (Minnesota, USA) (+1 612
- 251 8596)
- Email: lists@morpo.creighton.edu (send the message "get
- morpo morpo.index" and you will receive
- instructions on how to use our email archive
- server to retrieve ASCII versions of _The Morpo
- Review_)
- morpo-comments@morpo.creighton.edu (comments)
- morpo-editors@morpo.creighton.edu (all the editors
- at once)
- Subscriptions: morpo-request@morpo.creighton.edu
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Robert Fulkerson <rfulk@creighton.edu>
- Matthew Mason <mtmason@morpo.creighton.edu>
- Submissions: morpo-submissions@morpo.creighton.edu
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Mother Jones
- "Mother Jones is a magazine of investigation and ideas for
- independent thinkers. Provocative and unexpected articles inform
- readers and inspire action toward positive social change. Colorful
- and personal, Mother Jones challenges conventional wisdom, exposes
- abuses of power, helps redefine stubborn problems and offers fresh
- solutions."
- Format: HTML
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.mojones.com/motherjones.html
- Gopher: gopher.mojones.com
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Jeffrey Klein
- Postal: Mother Jones, 731 Market St., Suite 600, San
- Francisco, CA 94103, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- My Screws Aren't Loose -- I'm Just Wired a Bit Different
- "This is the flotsam and jetsam of my mind. What's it like inside my
- mind? Perhaps you should know before you proceed. "It's like living
- inside a haunted house." [a science fiction author character in some
- science fiction novel; names temporarily forgotten] "Sometimes I
- give myself the creeps!" [Greenday] These writings range from the
- cream of the crop to the dregs. Some are serious, some are insane,
- some are pretentious, and three have been arrested in various states
- as toxic waste. Some are in horrid taste."
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: This is an e-book, not really an e-zine, but it's
- growing. Check it every other week or so for new
- entries.
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.pencom.com/~meo/WiredDiff/contents.html
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Miles O'Neal <meo@rru.com>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Nadine Magazine
- "The magazine that wishes it were a band."
- Frequency: six times per year from September to May
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.cis.yale.edu/~tpole/nadine/home_page.html
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Matt Snow <snow@minerva.cis.yale.edu>
- Scott Hutson <Hutson@minerva.cis.yale.edu>
- Phone: +1 203 432 2978 (Matt Snow)
- Postal: P.O. Box 202365, New Haven, CT 06520, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- National Computer Tectonics
- "Computer magazine aimed at small and home office users. In depth
- coverage of desktop publishing, graphics, CAD, fax, communications,
- electronic document preparation, multimedia. Online ads with online
- purchasing available. Over 400 pages of news and reviews."
- Format: World Wide Web
- Frequency: continuously updated (almost daily)
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.awa.com/nct/
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Bruce Morris (Editor in Chief) <bmorris@usit.net>
- Fax: +1 615 376 4879
- Phone: +1 615 376 6806
- Postal: 451 Blackburn Lane, Lenoir City, TN 37771, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- NBK Fan Club
- "Announcing the arrival of the "Totally Unofficial, Official NBK Fan
- Club." Yes, your name was picked by Woody Harrelson and Juliette
- Lewis (well, maybe) as one of the rare few who actually enjoyed
- NBK!! And what does this mean to you, of discriminating taste? Why
- it means that you can share your views of the whole M&M, NBK world
- with others of your kind!! Ok, so you might have to wait for your
- cool membership card and all, but this is the place to disseminate
- all the NBK news that you run across and would like to share."
- Access:
- FTP: ftp.shore.net: /members/eskwired/NBK/
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Spyderx@delphi.com
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- NCSA Access Online
- Format: HTML
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Pubs/access/accessDir.html
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Neon Gargoyle Gazette
- "The goal of this magazine is to enlighten the public at large about
- the world of horror from the tiny details of splatter to the grand
- sweeping theories of hidden psychological appeal. The GARGOYLE
- contains discussion forums on horror in all its forms. History, art,
- poetry, biography, modern cinema, professional make-up techniques,
- and horror productions both present and past are all examined here,
- as well as a trivia Q&A section."
- Format: ASCII text
- Access:
- Usenet: alt.horror
- alt.cult-movies
- Other: Cleveland Free-Net Community Computer System (+1
- 216 368 3888 or IP address, once
- logged in type "GO HORROR"
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Dan Krumlauf <aa666@po.cwru.edu>
- Phone: +1 216 491 4616
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- "Nordic Electronic Science Fiction Address Directory (NESFAD) is a
- list of E-addresses to sf fans in the Nordic area (Denmark, Finland,
- Iceland, Norway and Sweden), with a news section in the beginning of
- each issue, e.g. listing the local sf conventions. The latest NESFAD
- had close to 300 addresses. The language is English. NESFAD isn't on
- a mailserver yet. To subscribe write to one of the editors and say
- that you want it."
- Format: ASCII text
- ISO-LATIN-1 text
- Frequency: approximately quarterly
- Access:
- BBS: SF-BBS (+46 8 642 40 77)
- Subscriptions: broimola@abo.fi
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Ben Roimola <broimola@abo.fi>
- Phone: +46 8 641 34 05 (Ahrvid)
- Postal: Ahrvid Engholm, Renstiernas Gata 29, S-116 31
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Ben Roimola, Puistokatu 15 b A 5, FIN-20100 Turku,
- Finland
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Netsurfer Digest
- "Netsurfer Digest brings an entertaining and informative slice of the
- rapidly expanding online world to its readers. Sections include
- Surfing Sites, News, Arts, Travel, Software, Books, Community
- Support, and others. It is delivered via email in text and HTML
- versions, and is also available on the Netsurfer WWW server. Special
- feature issues, e.g., WWW sites for Christmas Shopping, Macintosh
- special edition, are published periodically. Netsurfer Digest is
- available for free to the online community. It is supported by
- sponsors and advertisers who appreciate the direct connection to
- their customers. Commercial material is packaged in a separate
- mailing titled Netsurfer Marketplace."
- Format: ASCII text
- Frequency: weekly
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.netsurf.com/nsd/index.html
- FTP: ftp.netsurf.com: /pub/nsd
- Subscriptions: Web: http://www.netsurf.com/nsd/subscribe.html
- To: nsdigest-request@netsurf.com
- Text: subscribe nsdigest-text (to receive text
- version)
- Text: subscribe nsdigest-html (to receive HTML
- version)
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Arthur Bebak <arthur@msm.com>
- Fax: +1 408 249 6346
- Phone: +1 408 249 6346
- Postal: Netsurfer Communications, Inc., 333 Cobalt Way,
- Suite 107, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- The Network Observer
- "The Network Observer (TNO) is a free monthly on-line newsletter
- about networks and democracy. It includes brief articles by the
- editor and others about community networking, the social aspects of
- cyberspace, networks and markets, and privacy issues. It also
- includes several monthly departments: recommended books on a wide
- variety of topics, a brief description of an interesting company,
- and a batch of pointers to interesting stuff on the net."
- Format: ASCII
- Frequency: monthly
- Access:
- WWW: http://communication.ucsd.edu/pagre/tno.html
- Subscriptions: It is not possible to subscribe directly to TNO. It
- is, however, distributed through a mailing list
- called RRE, to which the editor forwards whatever
- he happens to find interesting on the net (five
- or so messages a week). For information, send
- email to rre-request@weber.ucsd.edu with the
- subject "help". You can receive a list of
- archived articles by sending to the same address
- with the subject "archive send index".
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Phil Agre <pagre@ucsd.edu>
- Fax: +1 619 534 7315
- Phone: +1 619 534 6328
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- NMC Magazine
- "Electronic version of the print magazine containing fiction, poetry,
- features, and fine art/photography from the students of Northwestern
- Michigan College in Traverse City, Michigan."
- Format: HTML
- Frequency: 2-3/year
- Access:
- WWW: http://leo.nmc.edu/nmcmag/nmcezin.htm
- Contact:
- Editor(s): James D. Nelson <ai733@leo.nmc.edu> (WWW
- Coordinator)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Notes from the Windowsill
- "Reviews of new and reprinted children's books (picture books through
- young adult). Our goal is to provide honest, informative reviews
- that will help parents and educators find the best, most enjoyable
- books. We also publish a non-electronic journal for children's
- literarure enthusiasts interested in older books."
- Format: ASCII text
- Frequency: irregular, approximately 10 issues/month
- ISSN: 1078-8697
- Access:
- WWW: www http://www.armory.com/~web/notes.html
- Gopher: lib.nmsu.edu: .subjects/Education/.childlit/.reviews/.notes
- FTP: deeptht.armory.com: /pub/user/web/
- AOL: Keyword: PDA; Select: Palmtop Paperbacks; Select:
- Electronic Articles & Newsletters
- Usenet: rec.arts.books.childrens
- misc.kids
- rec.arts.books.reviews
- k12.library
- Email: "kidsbooks" mailing list
- (kidsbooks-request@armory.com to join; please
- include full email address in message)
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Wendy E. Betts <web@armory.com>
- Evan A.C. Hunt
- Submissions: web@armory.com
- Postal: P.O. Box 401, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-0401, USA
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Notes of a Dirty Old Woman
- "A weekly column that'll gradually, graphically assemble a
- semi-literary map of the coptic, neo-goth city of Coven Pride. It's
- all about love, labor, and traversing ones days over a landscape of
- pain. It lets in unsolicited submissions and keeps out only academes
- and homophobes.""
- Frequency: weekly installments
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.brown.edu/Departments/MCM/Rabyd/Vera_Rabyd_814.html
- Email: rabyd@brownvm.brown.edu (Vera's nephew)
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Vera Rabyd
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- NutWorks
- "NutWorks was a humor 'zine from the early days of BITNET and
- reflects the student-oriented humor of the time. Some good sources
- for articles, jokes and original material though. Should be in
- collectors' archives."
- Format: ASCII text
- Note: now ceased, this is all that there was, vols
- 001-026
- Access:
- WWW: http://curia.ucc.ie/info/net/mags/
- Gopher: gopher.cic.net: e-serials/alphabetic/n/nutworks
- FTP: curia.ucc.ie: /pub/mags/
- ftp.cic.net: /pub/e-serials/alphabetic/n/nutworks/
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- "A hypermedia magazine of art and literature. It is our intention
- that the artistic works in NWHQ can be ultimately "grown" into a
- network of novel-length literature. As it is not a paper publication
- we do not want to approach it as such; instead of a product, it is a
- process. It changes and shifts over time, a labyrinth in progress.
- Not everything is accessible from the front/homepage. Individual
- writers may grow their works, others may dissappear."
- Format: HTML
- Access:
- WWW: http://www.wimsey.com/~jmax/
- Contact:
- Editor(s): Elizabeth Fischer <NWHQ@wimsey.com>
- ===
- DISTRIBUTION: How to obtain this document
- This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM, involved in the
- redistribution of valuable information to a wider USENET audience (see
- below). The most recent version of this document can be obtained via
- the author's instructions above. The following directions apply to
- retrieve the possibly less-current USENET FAQ version.
- ---
- This FAQ is available from the standard FAQ server rtfm.mit.edu via
- FTP in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/writing/zines
- Email
- -----
- Email requests for FAQs go to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with commands
- on lines in the message body, e.g. `help' and `index'.
- Usenet
- ------
- This FAQ is posted every 21 days to the groups
- alt.zines
- alt.etext
- misc.writing
- rec.mag
- alt.internet.services
- alt.answers
- misc.answers
- rec.answers
- news.answers
- _ _, _ ___ _, __, _, _ _, ___ _ _, _, _ _ _, __, _, _ _ ___ __,
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- ===
- CRAM: The Cyberspatial Reality Advancement Movement
- In an effort to bring valuable information to the masses, and as a
- service to motivated information compilers, a member of CRAM can help
- others unfamiliar with Usenet `publish' their documents for
- widespread dissemination via the FAQ structure, and act as a
- `sponsor' knowledgable in the submissions process. This document is
- being distributed under this arrangement.
- We have found these compilations tend to appear on various mailing
- lists and are valuable enough to deserve wider distribution. If you
- know of an existing compilation of Internet information that is not
- currently a FAQ, please contact us and we may `sponsor' it. The
- benefits to the author include:
- - use of the existing FAQ infrastructure for distribution:
- - automated mail server service
- - FTP archival
- - automated posting
- - a far wider audience that can improve the quality, accuracy, and
- coverage of the document enormously through email feedback
- - potential professional inquiries for the use of your document in
- other settings, such as newsletters, books, etc.
- - with us as your sponsor, we will also take care of the
- technicalities in the proper format of the posted version and
- updating procedures, leaving you free of the `overhead' to focus on
- the basic updates alone
- The choice of who we `sponsor' is entirely arbitrary. You always have
- the option of handling the submission process yourself. See the FAQ
- submission guidelines FAQ in news.answers.
- For information, send mail to <ldetweil@csn.org>.
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- C y b e r s p a t i a l R e a l i t y A d v a n c e m e n t M o v e m e n t
- * CIVILIZING CYBERSPACE: send `info cypherwonks' to majordomo@lists.eunet.fi *