PC World Interactive 1
PC World Interactive 1 - Nisan 1997.iso
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Internet Message Format
Path: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!faqserv
From: johnl@ora.com (John Labovitz)
Newsgroups: alt.zines,alt.etext,misc.writing,rec.mag,alt.internet.services,alt.answers,misc.answers,rec.answers,news.answers
Subject: Zines on the Internet (3/5)
Supersedes: <writing/zines/part3_801929995@rtfm.mit.edu>
Followup-To: poster
Date: 22 Jun 1995 15:57:07 GMT
Organization: none
Lines: 1641
Approved: news-answers-request@mit.edu
Expires: 27 Jul 1995 15:54:13 GMT
Message-ID: <writing/zines/part3_803836453@rtfm.mit.edu>
References: <writing/zines/part1_803836453@rtfm.mit.edu>
Reply-To: johnl@ora.com (John Labovitz)
NNTP-Posting-Host: bloom-picayune.mit.edu
X-Last-Updated: 1995/03/20
Originator: faqserv@bloom-picayune.MIT.EDU
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.zines:12330 alt.etext:1486 misc.writing:60440 rec.mag:3667 alt.internet.services:54061 alt.answers:10153 misc.answers:2183 rec.answers:12754 news.answers:46867
Archive-name: writing/zines/part3
Last-modifed: 95/3/15
Distribution-agent: ldetweil@csn.org
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i can't tell you anything
"WWW Home Page of poet Deborah Sellers. Includes audio selection."
Format: HTML
WWW: http://www.iquest.net/cw/debi/poem.html
Editor(s): deborah sellers <poet@iquest.net>
Phone: +1 317 769 5049
Ideals, Dreams and Hard Facts
"An on-line DISNEY newsletter, offering readers a chance to sound off
on all things DISNEY, including the theme parks, motion picture and
television studios, software, and more. All articles written by
readers, and submissions are more than welcome!"
Format: ASCII
Frequency: bi-monthly, hoping to go monthly by summer
Usenet: rec.arts.disney
Subscriptions: To: silver@peach.epix.net
Editor(s): Chris Harrower <silver@peach.epix.net>
Fax: +1 717 560 0680
Phone: +1 717 560 0605 (work #)
Postal: PO Box 233, Ronks, PA 17572, USA
Improvijazzation Nation
"Fave D.I.Y./indie 'zine, used for contact by artists the world
Format: ASCII text (samples)
Frequency: quarterly
Email: dmetcalf@freenet.scri.fsu.edu
Editor(s): Dick Metcalf aka Rotcod Zzaj
Postal: Dick Metcalf, HQ 19th TAACOM, UNIT 15015, POB 2879,
APO AP 96218-0171, USA
iMpulse Music Journal
"A comprehensive journal of music news, information, and opinion.
iMpulse covers ALL music styles. Monthly contests and extra music
review supplements add to the content. With a staff of journalists
and contributors from around the globe iMpulse brings all the music
to you. Think of it as a music multi-vitamin!"
Format: ASCII text
Frequency: monthly
Note: Submissions are welcomed. Write to editor for
details. iMpulse is still accepting applications
for staff positions. All positions are unpaid
since iMpulse is a volunteer effort.
Gopher: gopher.enews.com: music/impulse
AOL: ???
eWorld: ???
Usenet: alt.zines
Subscriptions: To: impulse@dsigroup.com
Editor(s): Richard F. Crum <rfcrum@clark.net>
Roger L. Yee <ryee@dsigroup.com>
Phone: Richard F. Crum M-F EST 202-626-4180
Postal: PO Box 328, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA
In, Around and Online
"Summarizes the weekly events in online services industry. It is
geared towards the big consumer services like CompuServe, America
Online, Prodigy, etc. There are also tidbits on new services that
can be found on the net."
Frequency: weekly
WWW: http://www.clark.net/pub/robert/home.html
FTP: ftp.clark.net: /pub/robert/
Usenet: alt.online-service
Subscriptions: To: listserv@clark.net
Editor(s): Robert Seidman <robert@clark.net>
In Vivo
"General literary magazine. No genre requirements. We are a zine of
quality literary works. We publish mainly fiction and poetry but are
willing to look at anything. How often we publish will depend on how
much good work writers send us."
Format: ASCII
Frequency: quarterly
WWW: http://freenet3.scri.fsu.edu:81/users/jtillman/titlepage.html
Other: Tallahassee Freenet
Editor(s): James Tillman <jtillman@freenet.fsu.edu>
Phone: +1 904 671 4924
Postal: 2731 Blair Stone Rd., Apt. 178, Tallahassee, FL
32301, USA
The Indie-List Digest
"A twice-weekly digest of writing related to the world of independent
music (i.e. stuff generally not found on major labels or
commercial-alternative radio). Record reviews, live-show reviews,
occasional commentary, entirely reader driven. Be polite and patient
with us; there are no LISTSERVS or major-domos involved in the
creation or distribution of this list."
Format: ASCII
Frequency: twice weekly (usually...)
FTP: ftp.uwp.edu: /music/lists/indie/
www.wit.com: /music/lists/indie/
Subscriptions: grumpy@access.digex.net (in plain english)
Editor(s): Eric Sinclair <esinclai@indiana.edu>
Anne Zender <azender@indiana.edu>
Chris Karlof (Archivist) <karlofc@seq.uncwil.edu>
Sean Murphy (Mailing Manager)
infoZine (tm)
""Kansas City's Premier Digital Monthly Magazine" -- infoZine will
always bring you articles and cartoons that will enhance your life.
A life that is varied and complex. You don't live in a shell or a
cave where only one topic, one subject, will satisfy you. Your life
is full with the inter-connectivity of the world. Hence, we bring
you infoZine. A magazine for the generalist among us. May it spark
you and your family on to other investigations. Articles, features,
columnist, cartoons, b&w + color photos and graphics. Zcool!"
Format: NeoBook (VGA - 16 colors or better) -
ReadRoom (text version) - "ZINR****.ZIP"
Frequency: by the fifth, monthly
FTP: infozine.fileshop.com: /pub/infozine/
FidoNet: 1:280/9
BBS: The File Shop (+1 913 262 7000)
One CrossRoads Place (+1 913 663 1100)
Sound Advice (+1 816 436 1492)
PCHelp (+1 816 331 4703)
South of the River (+1 913 642 7907)
JCCC (+1 913 469 4401)
Email: infozine@fileshop.com
Editor(s): Richard Greene <infozine@fileshop.com>
Fax: +1 816 523 2661
Phone: +1 816 523 2661
Postal: P.O. Box 22661, Kansas City, MO 64113-2661, USA
Inquisitor Magazine
"The Inquisitor is an eclectic mix of culture, art and technology.
The premiere issue focuses on: apocalypse culture, low-tech
microcontroller projects, copyright, global telecommunications,
Godzilla, a diary of New York City living, religious tracts and
more. Future issues will look at: Marketing and pop culture,
recursive television, women and language online, low-tech
do-it-yourself media, microcontroller projects, sampling in modern
music, modern music reviews and much more. GUARANTEED 100%
Frequency: quarterly
ISSN: 1076-5492
WWW: http://mosaic.echonyc.com/~xixax/Inquisitor/
Gopher: echonyc.com: Pub/INQ
Other: ECHO: Media and Zines conferences (telnet:
Editor(s): Dany Drennan <inquisitor@echonyc.com>
Laurel Sutton <inquisitor@echonyc.com>
Fax: +1 212 595 8370
Phone: +1 212 595 8370
Postal: PO Box 132, NYNY 10024, USA
Intelligent Gamer
"Intelligent Gamer is the first national videogame magazine found
ONLY online. We cover all home systems including Nintendo, Sega,
Atari, 3DO and other platforms, arcades, and PC/Mac and other
computer games."
Format: ASCII text with sound and graphics ("Prodigy HTML")
Frequency: new issues released on the 1st and 15th of each
news updates as events warrant
Prodigy: JUMP: TimesLink then select "Under 21" then
"Intelligent Gamer"
Editor(s): Anthony Shubert (Publisher) <zksd59a@prodigy.com>
Jer Horwitz (Senior Editor) <zksd59b@prodigy.com>
Tanya Kutasz (Art Director)
Postal: Innovative Creations, 1077 West 30th Street, Los
Angeles, CA 90007, USA
The Interactive Yellow Pages
"An electronic directory of important people around the world with
special offers for users."
Format: Windows Help file
Frequency: monthly
WWW: http://www.netcenter.com/
FTP: garnet.msen.com: /pub/vendor/lighthouse/
AOL: Windows Library, Reference section
Compuserve: WINSHARE FORUM, Lib 10, Yellowsx.zip (x denotes
latest version number)
Editor(s): Mike Mathiesen, Lighthouse Productions
"An electronic literary magazine dedicated to exploring the
relationship between poetry and electronic media. inter\face looks
forward at the future of poetry through the acceptance, knowledge,
and utilization of the ideas of past and present. inter\face is
about language and writing, not computers."
Format: HTML
Frequency: quarterly
WWW: http://cscmosiac.albany.edu/~interfac
Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/Interface
gopher.cic.net: e-serials/archive/alphabetic/i/interface
wings.buffalo.edu: internet/library/e-journals/ub/rift/journals/list/interface
FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/Interface/
ftp.cic.net: /pub/e-serials/archive/alphabetic/i/interface/
AOL: Select keyword: PDA; Select: Palmtop Paperbacks;
Select: Electronic Articles and Newsletters
Subscriptions: interfac@cnsunix.albany.edu (real person, not
Editor(s): Benjamin Henry <interfac@cnsunix.albany.edu>
Submissions: interfac@cnsunix.albany.edu
InterFace Magazine
"The magazine featuring 'creative' use of computers & technology.
Intelligent reading material. Famous writers, Great Graphics,
Stories for downloading, Columns, Articles, Interviews, and a bunch
more cool stuff."
Format: HTML
Frequency: bimonthly
Note: We publish hard copy too, 5000 per issue. Into our
second year. Writer's guidelines and digital
requirements online. Always open to submissions
from writers and artists.
WWW: http://vvv.com/interface/
Email: interface@vvv.com
Editor(s): Robert McCourty <interface@vvv.com>
Phone: +1 604 595 3992
Postal: 3341 Keats Street, Victoria, BC, CANADA, V8P 4B2
International TeleTimes
"International Teletimes is a general interest magazine. Each issue
contains a new feature. These themes tend to be quite broad and are
of international interest. There are several regular columns such as
The Keepers of Light (photography), The Wine Enthusiast, The Latin
Quarter (articles from and concerning Central America) and Deja Vu
(articles pertaining to past themes). Teletimes has contributors
from all around the world but is constantly looking for additional
staff members. If you are interested, please e-mail the editor."
Format: ASCII text
World Wide Web
Frequency: 6 issues/year
WWW: http://www.wimsey.com/teletimes/teletimes_home_page.html
Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/Intl_Teletimes
FTP: ftp.etext.org: /Zines/Intl_Teletimes/
sumex-aim.stanford.edu: /info-mac/per/tele/
BBS: OneNet (network of FirstClass BBSes)
Editor(s): Ian Wojtowicz <editor@teletimes.com>
Postal: International TeleTimes, 3938 West 30th Ave.,
Vancouver, BC, V6S 1X3, Canada
The Internet Business Journal
"The Internet Business Journal is dedicated to documenting innovative
uses of the Internet by entrepreneurs in all commercial sectors.
Stay informed of commercial services and products on the Internet,
small and large business use of the Internet, and resources for the
virtual business community."
Format: ASCII text
Frequency: 12 issues/year
WWW: http://www.phoenix.ca/sie
Gopher: gopher.fonorola.net: Internet Business Journal
gopher.cic.net: e-serials/alphabetic/i/internet-business-journal
FTP: ftp.cic.net: /e-serials/alphabetic/i/internet-business-journal/
ftp.fonorola.net: /Internet Business Journal/
Editor(s): Aneurin Bosley <editor@strangelove.com>
Fax: +1 613 569 4433
Phone: +1 613 565 0982
Postal: Strangelove Internet Enterprises, 208 Somerset
Street East, Suite A, Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N
"InterText is a fiction magazine printing stories in all genres from
mainstream to science fiction. It's read by thousands of subscribers
on six continents, and has been published since March 1991."
Format: ASCII text
Adobe Acrobat PDF
Frequency: bi-monthly
ISSN: 1071-7676
WWW: http://www.etext.org/Zines/InterText/
Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/InterText
FTP: network.ucsd.edu: /intertext/
ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/InterText/
AOL: Keyword: PDA (Palmtop Paperbacks -> EZines ->
eWorld: in ZiffNet Software Library (Keyword: ZIFFNET), in
Software Central/Electronic
Publications/Additional Publications
Compuserve: Electronic Frontier Foundation's "Zines from the
Net" section, accessible by typing "GO EFFSIG"
Email: intertext@etext.org
Editor(s): Jason Snell <jsnell@etext.org>
Geoff Duncan <gaduncan@halcyon.com> (assistant
Susan Grossman c/o <intertext@etext.org> (assistant
"Punk rawwwk, technology, and the DIY effort unite into one tasty and
scrumptious package with articles, audio samples, links to other
punk rawwkers on the WWW, as well as an opportunity to get a few
freebies if I have any in stock... Tools also available for live,
real-time Internet audio and video conferencing! Go ahead... You
know, deep in your heart -- YOU'RE a NRRRD!"
Format: HTML
Frequency: Whenever I Can Get Spare Time(tm)
WWW: http://www.etext.org/Zines/Intrrr.Nrrrd/intrrr.html
Editor(s): Bri Cors <corsbria@student.msu.edu>
Phone: +1 517 333 3560
Postal: 220 Charles #2, East Lansing, MI 48823, USA
"I/O/D is a new interactive multi-media e-zine. Distributed free over
the networks, small and perfectly deformed it creates high density
chaos in a confined space. I/O/D investigates traces of linearity,
anti-linearity and straight talking by ex-humans who: Destroy
dogmatic language systems on a regular basis. Produce mind-curdling
animations or quick time movies. Make unearthly noises, loops,
samples. Rant like old testament prophets with bio-electrical
Format: Macromind Directory (BinHexed self-extracting
Email: ifgraphics@gn.apc.org
Editor(s): Simon Pope, Colin Green, Matthew Fuller
Postal: I/O/D, BM Jed, London, WC1N 3XX, UK
It'sNEW! Magazine
"A new, high quality, color magazine about inventions, trends and
innovative new products. Premier issue, available worldwide Feb 21,
1995, contains over 200 new products and ideas. The interactive
on-line version includes selected articles and solicits reader
inputs for the "Why don't they make ..." page."
Frequency: bi-monthly
WWW: http://www.cts.com/~itsnew
Subscriptions: itsnew@cts.com
Editor(s): Ian McLean <itsnew@cts.com>
Submissions: itsnew@cts.com
Fax: +1 619 278 9081
Phone: 800 333 9345 (USA)
800 786 7115 (Can)
+1 619 278 9080
Postal: Sunshine Publishing Company, Inc., 7060 Convoy
Court, San Diego, CA 92111
"JASBITS reports on all aspects of net.culture, in a generally
humorous context. Also included are tips on where to get "Cool
Things," such as software, images, and info files. Each issue is
"illustrated" throughout, using ASCII art created by featured
Format: ASCII text
Frequency: irregularly, every three months
Subscriptions: To: jsquires@cerf.net
Text: <your email address>
Editor(s): James A. Squires <jsquires@cerf.net>
The Journal of American Underground Computing
"The ultimate newsworthy underground publication covering topics such
as hacking, security, legal issues, and world-wide networking. We
also cover book reviews, cutting-edge technology, editorials,
advertising, and much, much more!"
Format: ASCII
Frequency: quarterly (January, April, July, October)
ISSN: 1074-3111
FTP: gopher.etext.org: Zines/JAUC
ftp.fc.net: /pub/tjoauc/
Email: info@fennec.com (general info)
Subscriptions: sub@fennec.com
Editor(s): Scott Davis (Editor in Chief)
Max Mednick (Co-Editor) <kahuna@freeside.fc.net>
Submissions: submit@fennec.com
Postal: 10111 N. Lamar #25, Austin, Texas 78753, USA
Journal of Buddhist Ethics
"The Journal of Buddhist Ethics is the first academic journal devoted
entirely to Buddhist ethics, and is innovative in adopting a totally
electronic mode of publication. In most other respects, however, it
will function as a traditional scholarly journal. Research papers
and discussion articles submitted to the journal will be subject to
blind peer review."
Format: ASCII text
World Wide Web
Frequency: continuous
ISSN: 1076-9005
WWW: http://www.cac.psu.edu/jbe/jbe.html
FTP: ftp.cac.psu.edu: /pub/jbe/
ftp.gold.ac.uk: /pub/jbe/
coombs.anu.edu.au: /coombspapers/otherarchives/electronic-buddhist-archives/buddhism-general/e-journals/jbe
Email: jbe-ed@psu.edu (editors)
jbe-l@psuvm.psu.edu (listserv)
Editor(s): Damien Keown <d.keown@gold.ac.uk>
Charles S. Prebish <csp1@psuvm.psu.edu>
Wayne R. Husted <wrh7@psu.edu>
The Journal of Onestar
"An ORIGINAL humor/satire publication published weekly from the
offices of Onestar Central. Considered by some to be a cross between
an on-line sit com and cutting edge sarcasm, the Journal offers
something for everyone. Each weekly issue is mailed out in five
sections, NOTES FROM THE PUBLISHER (whatever he may be thinking of
that week), THE MISTER HOCKEY SECTION (sports, sex and the
occasional top ten list), ENTERTAINMENT REPORT (featuring Adam
Richter, e-mail's version of Dave Barry), SPECIAK K (Kelly and Kim,
providing a woman's touch to an overly testosterone-laden
publication), and THE BARD REPORT (thoughtful, insightful and
sometimes controversial, but always funny.)"
Format: ASCII text
Frequency: weekly
Email: onestar@vms.cis.pitt.edu #%www
Editor(s): Eric F. Schetley <onestar@vms.cis.pitt.edu>
The Journal of the PK Institute for Information Engineering
"A gaming related 'zine dedicated mostly to GURPS. (HTML version of
the paper version printed in "All of the Above".)"
Format: HTML
Frequency: quarterly
WWW: http://http2.sils.umich.edu/~superman/jpkinst.html
Editor(s): David S. Carter <david.s.carter@umich.edu>
Phone: +1 313 663 7413
"A prototype ASCII-illustrated personal best-of-Netnews zine,
including net culture and kooks, conspiracy, Macintoshes, and other
Format: ASCII text and graphics
Frequency: infrequent, at this point
FTP: ftp.mcs.com: /mcsnet.users/jorn/keepers/
Usenet: alt.zines
Editor(s): Jorn Barger <jorn@mcs.com>
"KNKKK is a part of KNK project, originally -- paper zine in English
about Lithuania (and our neighbouring countries)
underground/alternative/punk scene. Here you can find Lithuanian
scene report, interviews with local groups, info about Latvia's
underground, and LITHUANIAN BEER report. All in all punk zine's
elektirc version (quite interesting and funny)."
Format: ASCII text
Frequency: no one knows
Gopher: zalgiris.pit.ktu.lt: DistributedSystems/Alternative_Music_Info/E-zines
Editor(s): JuNe <jurena@zalgiris.pit.ktu.lt> (contact)
Postal: Sarunas Karalius, P.O. Box 114, 3005 Kaunas,
"Kyosaku (n.) -- The stick that Zen masters use to whup their
students upside the head, sending them on the path to higher
consciousness. This magazine is dedicated to endangered concepts.
These concepts are: humor, art, philosophy, the quest for higher
consciousness, uncalled-for-absurdity in the face of pessimism, and
Format: HTML
Frequency: quarterly
WWW: http://www.cs.oberlin.edu/students/djacobs/kyo/kyomain.html
Editor(s): David Jacobs <djacobs@cs.oberlin.edu>
Michael Janssen <janssmp3@wfu.edu>
Jim McNamee <rg94900868@vax1.may.ie>
Sudama Rice <sarF93@hamp.hampshire.edu>
Derek Kershaw <dpkers@mail.wm.edu>
The Lady in the Radiator Online
Format: ASCII text
WWW: http://nyx10.cs.du.edu:8001/~jrasmuss
Editor(s): John Rasmussen <jrasmuss@nyx10.cs.du.edu>
Late Show News
"News and opinions about the late-night talk show industry, with
special emphasis on _Late Show with David Letterman_. Complete guest
listings for upcoming shows of all the big talkers."
Format: ASCII text
Frequency: every Tuesday
WWW: http://www.cen.uiuc.edu/~jl8287/late.news.html
Gopher: echonyc.com: Pub/LSN
The WELL: topic 648 in the tv conference (g tv)
Usenet: alt.fan.letterman
Subscriptions: To: listproc@echonyc.com
Text: subscribe late-show-news Your Name
Editor(s): Aaron Barnhart <barnhart@echonyc.com>
LIMINAL -- Liminal Explorations
"LIMINAL seeks to apply new inter and transdisciplinary methods,
theories, ideas, concepts, and approaches to the study of cultural
phenomena as well as the inventive application of existing
approaches. The term 'cultural phenomena' is taken to mean, but not
limited to meaning: 1) an activity engaged in by humans as members
of a social network, 2) the product(s) of such engagement(s), 3) the
motivators of such activities or engagements, 4) the functioning of
such social networks themselves."
Format: ASCII text
Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/Liminal
gopher.cic.net: e-serials/alphabetic/l/liminal
FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/Liminal/
ftp.cic.net: /pub/e-serials/alphabetic/l/liminal/
Editor(s): <swilbur@andy.bgsu.edu>
Postal: The Liminal Group, Box 154, BGSU, Bowling Green, OH
43403, USA
Line Noiz
"Line Noiz publishes cyberpunk sci-fi, cyberpunk related articles and
news from the net."
Format: ASCII text
Frequency: bi-weekly (irregular)
Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/Linenoiz
FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/Linenoiz/
AOL: ???
Usenet: alt.cyberpunk
Subscriptions: To: dodger@fubar.bk.psu.edu
Text: Subscription LineNoiz <your address>
Editor(s): Billy Biggs <ae687@freenet.carleton.ca>
"LiNK is a commentary electronic magazine filled with articles that
are informative and interesting. Some articles will cause debates,
others will make you say "Hmm, I didn't know that" and still others
will simply make you laugh. If you're looking for something that is
generally entertaining LiNK is the zine for you!"
Format: ASCII
LiNK DOS viewer
Frequency: 1st of every month
Gopher: gopher.etext.org: Zines/LiNK
FTP: ftp.etext.org: /pub/Zines/LiNK/
FidoNet: 1:250/808
BBS: The Intoxicated BBS +1 416 663 7044
Subscriptions: link@tor250.org (state whether plain ASCII or
LiNK's DOS viewer is desired)
Editor(s): Mark Bylok <mb@tor250.org>
Fax: +1 416 663 4113
"THE LION Online is a text version of The Lion Sleeps, a print
fanzine for fans of the Canadian professional figure skater Brian
Orser. Published since 1989, The Lion Sleeps (and, as of June/July
1994, THE LION Online) contains news and information on Brian
Orser's career, where he is performing and can be seen on
television, as well as reviews of shows (both live and televised) in
which Brian performs, interviews with Brian, letter column,
editorials, and a buy-sell-swap-items-and-find-pen (or e-)-pals
column. The e-zine includes everything but the photos. Contributions
by readers are welcomed. Send email for more info on the printed
Format: ASCII text
Frequency: whenever the situation warrants
Email: tamcmp@rit.edu
Editor(s): Trudi Marrapodi <MARRAPODI.TA@a1.rit.edu>
"Lumpen magazine is a Chicago-based 52 page 20,000 circulation
publication. The next issue will be its 26th monthly printing.
Topics covered in recent issues have been: Paranoia, survival, and
sex. Along with each issue's theme articles, are a series of regular
columns. Two of these are Uncommon Sense, written by Edward McNamara
which offers an uncommon, yet logical view of current issues, and
Full Count, Mike Genet, is a political column from a
liberal/progressive viewpoint. With the capabilities of the WWW,
Lumpen staff have created a highly graphic, hypertext version of
their urban mag."
Format: HTML
Frequency: monthly
WWW: http://www.interaccess.com/users/edmc/lumptime
Editor(s): Chris Molnar, Leslie Stella, and Ed Marzewski
Edward McNamara <edmc@interaccess.com> (Web Editor)
Fax: +1 312 227 2072
Phone: +1 312 227 2072
Postal: Lumpen, 2558 West Armitage Ave, Chicago, IL 60647,
Mac Net Journal
"An interactive zine for Macintosh users who want to make the most of
their net-use, downloads, and Macintosh computers. MNJ deals with
any number of issues and topics from software reviews to general
trends in computing. We try to stay away from reviews of commercial
soft and hardware, preferring instead to try to show users how to
make the most of freeware and shareware. It is written for the
average, everyday Macintosh user (but we welcome Techies). MNJ is a
combination of text, sound, graphics, and anything else you might
want. The web version of Mac Net Journal, Mac Net Journal Online, is
somewhat different from the downloadable version. You may want to
try both. Subscriptions are free."
Format: DOCMaker (Macintosh application)
Frequency: biweekly
WWW: http://www.netaxs.com/~aaron/
FTP: ftp.netaxs.com: /pub/
AOL: Search software files for "Mac Net Journal" or
"MNJ" to find issues
eWorld: Use shortcut "Shareware"; the library path is
Software Central / Electronic Publications /
Additional Publications
Compuserve: Use "Go Downtech" to access ZiffNet/Mac's forum or
use "Go MACCOMM" to visit Macintosh Apple Users
Group's communication's forum (look in library 14
- Mac Internet stuff)
Subscriptions: aaron@netaxs.com
Editor(s): Aaron Anderson <aaron@netaxs.com>
Mac Star Digest
"Mac Star Digest is a Macintosh-based electronic publication
dedicated to Science Fiction and other futuristic themes. The eZine
covers many aspects of SF literature, including reviews, commentary,
currents, fiction and humor. MSD is a contributor-based publication,
and the Editor welcomes submissions of original written work or
Format: Macintosh DOCMaker (stand-alone document)
Frequency: bi-monthly, on even-numbered months
AOL: Macintosh Desktop Publishing Forum, keyword "MDP"
Macworld Online Forum, keyword "Macworld"
OMNI Forum, keyword "OMNI"
eWorld: Community Center's Trading Posts
SF, Fantasy & Horror Forum
Editor(s): Marton F. Carungay <martonc@aol.com>
"Mac*Chat is a free electronic newsletter biased toward Mac users who
are production-oriented professionals. It is written in a friendly,
non-technical manner, and covers many wide-ranging topics. It
includes many step-by-step tutorials, opinions and alerts. It's very
different from the rest of the Mac newsletters!"
Frequency: weekly
Subscriptions: To: listserv@vm.temple.edu
Text: SUBSCRIBE MACCHAT <Your full name>
Editor(s): Tony Lindsey <xxltony@cts.com>
Mary Jane
"The Mary Jane E-Zine is dedicated to the worldwide cannabis culture.
We encourage the stoners of the world to leap from their smokey
closets and unite in a digital revolution! Log In...Light
Up...and...Drop OUT!"
Format: ASCII
Frequency: bi-monthly(ish)
WWW: http://www.paranoia.com/maryjane/
FTP: ftp.paranoia.com: /pub/maryjane/
Usenet: alt.drugs
Subscriptions: To: stash-request@paranoia.com; Text: Subscribe
Editor(s): Damian Caynes (aka Info Freako)
Submissions: freako@suburbia.apana.org.au
Media 3
"Media 3 is the Media education resource magazine from Melbourne's
(Australia) Deakin University Rusden Campus."
Format: HTML
Frequency: 2 yearly (we hope)
WWW: http://www.deakin.edu.au/arts/VPMA/Media3.html
Editor(s): Peter Grennaway <greenp@deakin.edu.au>
"Meeker is a ZINE for the younger people who use the Internet, it is
yet another techno-zine. What is discussed is mainly the Internet,
and other technology/computers. We review sites, of interest files,
etc. We have sections for you to write in, and for your articles if
you want to submit them. We think that we are different from the
others since we cover cooler issues. We cover everything from art,
to hacking."
WWW: http://www.winternet.com/~chada/meeker.html
FTP: ftp.winternet.com: /users/chada/meeker/
Subscriptions: To: chad@bitstream.mpls.mn.us
Subject: subscribe
Text: name and email address
Editor(s): chad <chad@bitstream.mpls.mn.us>
"MELVIN is written by the staff of THE ONION at the U of Illinois, a
publication called "...the funniest, wittiest, and most clever prose
around" by MTV's Jon E. Ten Eyck. MELVIN's outrageous humor and
clever entertainment features make it everything a wonderful WWW
magazine should be."
Format: HTML
Frequency: bi-weekly
WWW: http://www.melvin.com
Editor(s): Matt Nolker (Editor-in-Chief)
Fax: +1 217 355 5032
Phone: 1 800 3MELVIN
Postal: 41 E. University Avenue, Suite 201, Champaign, IL
61820, USA
Meta Magazine
"Covers issues of particular interest to the net community, including
but not limited to: cryptography, electronic publishing, free
software development, intellectual property, internet
commercialization, privacy and virtual communities."
Format: HTML
Frequency: monthly
FTP: ftp.netcom.com: /pub/mlinksva/meta.html
Email: <mlinksva@netcom.com> (subject "sendinfo")
Editor(s): Mike Linksvayer <mlinksva@netcom.com>
Fax: +1 415 327 7629
Phone: +1 415 431 0775
Postal: Meta Magazine, 1800 Market #31, San Francisco, CA
94102, USA
the mini-Annals of Improbable Research ("mini-AIR")
"Publishes news about overly stimulating research and ideas.
Specifically: A) Haphazardly selected superficial (but advanced!)
extracts of research news and satire from the The Annals of
Improbable Research. B) News about the annual Ig Nobel Prize
ceremony. Ig Nobel Prizes honor "achievements that cannot or should
not be reproduced." A public ceremony is held at MIT, in Cambridge
Massachusetts, every autumn. The ceremony is sponsored jointly by
AIR and by the MIT Museum. C) News about other science humor
activities conducted by the MIT Museum and AIR."
Format: ASCII text
ISSN: 1076-500X
Usenet: clari.feature.imprb_research
Text: SUBSCRIBE MINI-AIR <your name>
Editor(s): Marc Abrahams <air@mit.edu>
Fax: +1 (617) 253-8994
Phone: +1 (617) 253-8329
Postal: The Annals of Improbable Research (AIR), c/o The
MIT Museum, 265 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA
02139, USA
The Miniatures Page
"The Miniatures Page is dedicated to miniature wargaming in all
periods: historical, fantasy, science fiction and silly; ground or
naval; all figure scales; from grand-tactical to skirmish level."
Format: World Wide Web
Frequency: continuous (Check "What's New" to find the latest
WWW: http://biochem.dental.upenn.edu/Mosaic/bill/tmp.html
Editor(s): Bill Armintrout <barmintr@origin.ea.com>
The Mini-Journal of Irreproducible Results ("mini-JIR")
"Publishes news about overly stimulating research and ideas.
Specifically: A) Haphazardly selected superficial (but advanced!)
extracts of research news and satire from the Journal of
Irreproducible Results (JIR). B) News about the annual Ig Nobel
Prize ceremony. Ig Nobel Prizes honor "achievements that cannot or
should not be reproduced." A public ceremony is held at MIT, in
Cambridge Massachusetts, every autumn. The ceremony is sponsored
jointly by JIR and by the MIT Museum. C) News about other science
humor activities conducted by the MIT Museum and JIR."
Format: ASCII text
Gopher: gopher.cic.net: e-serials/alphabetic/j/jir
FTP: ftp.cic.net: /pub/e-serials/alphabetic/j/jir/
Text: SUBSCRIBE MINI-JIR <your name>
Editor(s): Marc Abrahams
Phone: +1 617 491 4437
Postal: The Journal of Irreproducible Results, c/o Wisdom
Simulators, P.O. Box 380853, Cambridge, MA,
02238, USA
The Minnesota Online Press
"A hypertext publication by University of Minnesota Students from the
English, IT, Journalism, Philosophy, and CSCL departments. Sections
include World News, Bits and Bytes, Features, Prose and Poetry,
Variety, and Editorials and Opinions.""
Format: HTML
Frequency: every two weeks
WWW: http://www.umn.edu/nlhome/g357/rebh0001/Online/online.html
Editor(s): Adam Rebholz (Editor-in-Chief)
Vincent Hopwood (Executive Editor, Public
Relations) <hopw0001@gold.tc.umn.edu>
The Morpo Review
"How about Sonnets to Captain Kangaroo, free-verse ruminations
comparing plastic lawn ornaments to _Love Boat_ or nearly anything
with cows in it. No, not cute, Smurfy little "ha ha" ditties -- back
reality into a corner and snarl! Some good examples are "Oatmeal" by
Galway Kinnell, "A Supermarket In California" by Allen Ginsberg, or
the 6th section of Wallace Stevens' "Six Significant Landscapes.""
Format: ASCII text
Reading Room (DOS)
WWW: http://morpo.creighton.edu/morpo/
Gopher: morpo.creighton.edu: The.Morpo.Review
gopher.etext.org: Zines/Morpo.Review
FTP: morpo.creighton.edu: /pub/zines/morpo/
ftp.etext.org: /Zines/Morpo.Review/
AOL: use Keyword PDA, then select "Palmtop Paperbacks",
"EZine Libraries", "Writing", "More Writing"
BBS: The Outlands (Ketchikan, Alaska, USA) (+1
907-247-1219, +1 907-225-1219, +1 907-225-1220)
[The home BBS system for the ReadRoom BBS Door
format. You can download the IBM-PC/DOS ReadRoom
version here, as well as read it interactively
on-line via the ReadRoom door installed on the
The Myths and Legends of Levania (Council Bluffs,
Iowa, USA) (+1 712-325-8867) [Located in the
heart of the original Morpo and, in fact, is a
direct descendant of the original _The Land of
Morpo_ Bulletin Board System. You can download
both the IBM-PC/DOS ReadRoom versions and ASCII
text versions of _TMR_ here.]
Alliance Communications (Minnesota, USA) (+1 612
251 8596)
Email: lists@morpo.creighton.edu (send the message "get
morpo morpo.index" and you will receive
instructions on how to use our email archive
server to retrieve ASCII versions of _The Morpo
morpo-comments@morpo.creighton.edu (comments)
morpo-editors@morpo.creighton.edu (all the editors
at once)
Subscriptions: morpo-request@morpo.creighton.edu
Editor(s): Robert Fulkerson <rfulk@creighton.edu>
Matthew Mason <mtmason@morpo.creighton.edu>
Submissions: morpo-submissions@morpo.creighton.edu
Mother Jones
"Mother Jones is a magazine of investigation and ideas for
independent thinkers. Provocative and unexpected articles inform
readers and inspire action toward positive social change. Colorful
and personal, Mother Jones challenges conventional wisdom, exposes
abuses of power, helps redefine stubborn problems and offers fresh
Format: HTML
WWW: http://www.mojones.com/motherjones.html
Gopher: gopher.mojones.com
Editor(s): Jeffrey Klein
Postal: Mother Jones, 731 Market St., Suite 600, San
Francisco, CA 94103, USA
My Screws Aren't Loose -- I'm Just Wired a Bit Different
"This is the flotsam and jetsam of my mind. What's it like inside my
mind? Perhaps you should know before you proceed. "It's like living
inside a haunted house." [a science fiction author character in some
science fiction novel; names temporarily forgotten] "Sometimes I
give myself the creeps!" [Greenday] These writings range from the
cream of the crop to the dregs. Some are serious, some are insane,
some are pretentious, and three have been arrested in various states
as toxic waste. Some are in horrid taste."
Format: HTML
Frequency: This is an e-book, not really an e-zine, but it's
growing. Check it every other week or so for new
WWW: http://www.pencom.com/~meo/WiredDiff/contents.html
Editor(s): Miles O'Neal <meo@rru.com>
Nadine Magazine
"The magazine that wishes it were a band."
Frequency: six times per year from September to May
WWW: http://www.cis.yale.edu/~tpole/nadine/home_page.html
Editor(s): Matt Snow <snow@minerva.cis.yale.edu>
Scott Hutson <Hutson@minerva.cis.yale.edu>
Phone: +1 203 432 2978 (Matt Snow)
Postal: P.O. Box 202365, New Haven, CT 06520, USA
National Computer Tectonics
"Computer magazine aimed at small and home office users. In depth
coverage of desktop publishing, graphics, CAD, fax, communications,
electronic document preparation, multimedia. Online ads with online
purchasing available. Over 400 pages of news and reviews."
Format: World Wide Web
Frequency: continuously updated (almost daily)
WWW: http://www.awa.com/nct/
Editor(s): Bruce Morris (Editor in Chief) <bmorris@usit.net>
Fax: +1 615 376 4879
Phone: +1 615 376 6806
Postal: 451 Blackburn Lane, Lenoir City, TN 37771, USA
NBK Fan Club
"Announcing the arrival of the "Totally Unofficial, Official NBK Fan
Club." Yes, your name was picked by Woody Harrelson and Juliette
Lewis (well, maybe) as one of the rare few who actually enjoyed
NBK!! And what does this mean to you, of discriminating taste? Why
it means that you can share your views of the whole M&M, NBK world
with others of your kind!! Ok, so you might have to wait for your
cool membership card and all, but this is the place to disseminate
all the NBK news that you run across and would like to share."
FTP: ftp.shore.net: /members/eskwired/NBK/
Editor(s): Spyderx@delphi.com
NCSA Access Online
Format: HTML
WWW: http://www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/Pubs/access/accessDir.html
The Neon Gargoyle Gazette
"The goal of this magazine is to enlighten the public at large about
the world of horror from the tiny details of splatter to the grand
sweeping theories of hidden psychological appeal. The GARGOYLE
contains discussion forums on horror in all its forms. History, art,
poetry, biography, modern cinema, professional make-up techniques,
and horror productions both present and past are all examined here,
as well as a trivia Q&A section."
Format: ASCII text
Usenet: alt.horror
Other: Cleveland Free-Net Community Computer System (+1
216 368 3888 or IP address, once
logged in type "GO HORROR"
Editor(s): Dan Krumlauf <aa666@po.cwru.edu>
Phone: +1 216 491 4616
"Nordic Electronic Science Fiction Address Directory (NESFAD) is a
list of E-addresses to sf fans in the Nordic area (Denmark, Finland,
Iceland, Norway and Sweden), with a news section in the beginning of
each issue, e.g. listing the local sf conventions. The latest NESFAD
had close to 300 addresses. The language is English. NESFAD isn't on
a mailserver yet. To subscribe write to one of the editors and say
that you want it."
Format: ASCII text
ISO-LATIN-1 text
Frequency: approximately quarterly
BBS: SF-BBS (+46 8 642 40 77)
Subscriptions: broimola@abo.fi
Editor(s): Ben Roimola <broimola@abo.fi>
Phone: +46 8 641 34 05 (Ahrvid)
Postal: Ahrvid Engholm, Renstiernas Gata 29, S-116 31
Stockholm, Sweden
Ben Roimola, Puistokatu 15 b A 5, FIN-20100 Turku,
Netsurfer Digest
"Netsurfer Digest brings an entertaining and informative slice of the
rapidly expanding online world to its readers. Sections include
Surfing Sites, News, Arts, Travel, Software, Books, Community
Support, and others. It is delivered via email in text and HTML
versions, and is also available on the Netsurfer WWW server. Special
feature issues, e.g., WWW sites for Christmas Shopping, Macintosh
special edition, are published periodically. Netsurfer Digest is
available for free to the online community. It is supported by
sponsors and advertisers who appreciate the direct connection to
their customers. Commercial material is packaged in a separate
mailing titled Netsurfer Marketplace."
Format: ASCII text
Frequency: weekly
WWW: http://www.netsurf.com/nsd/index.html
FTP: ftp.netsurf.com: /pub/nsd
Subscriptions: Web: http://www.netsurf.com/nsd/subscribe.html
To: nsdigest-request@netsurf.com
Text: subscribe nsdigest-text (to receive text
Text: subscribe nsdigest-html (to receive HTML
Editor(s): Arthur Bebak <arthur@msm.com>
Fax: +1 408 249 6346
Phone: +1 408 249 6346
Postal: Netsurfer Communications, Inc., 333 Cobalt Way,
Suite 107, Sunnyvale, CA 94086, USA
The Network Observer
"The Network Observer (TNO) is a free monthly on-line newsletter
about networks and democracy. It includes brief articles by the
editor and others about community networking, the social aspects of
cyberspace, networks and markets, and privacy issues. It also
includes several monthly departments: recommended books on a wide
variety of topics, a brief description of an interesting company,
and a batch of pointers to interesting stuff on the net."
Format: ASCII
Frequency: monthly
WWW: http://communication.ucsd.edu/pagre/tno.html
Subscriptions: It is not possible to subscribe directly to TNO. It
is, however, distributed through a mailing list
called RRE, to which the editor forwards whatever
he happens to find interesting on the net (five
or so messages a week). For information, send
email to rre-request@weber.ucsd.edu with the
subject "help". You can receive a list of
archived articles by sending to the same address
with the subject "archive send index".
Editor(s): Phil Agre <pagre@ucsd.edu>
Fax: +1 619 534 7315
Phone: +1 619 534 6328
NMC Magazine
"Electronic version of the print magazine containing fiction, poetry,
features, and fine art/photography from the students of Northwestern
Michigan College in Traverse City, Michigan."
Format: HTML
Frequency: 2-3/year
WWW: http://leo.nmc.edu/nmcmag/nmcezin.htm
Editor(s): James D. Nelson <ai733@leo.nmc.edu> (WWW
Notes from the Windowsill
"Reviews of new and reprinted children's books (picture books through
young adult). Our goal is to provide honest, informative reviews
that will help parents and educators find the best, most enjoyable
books. We also publish a non-electronic journal for children's
literarure enthusiasts interested in older books."
Format: ASCII text
Frequency: irregular, approximately 10 issues/month
ISSN: 1078-8697
WWW: www http://www.armory.com/~web/notes.html
Gopher: lib.nmsu.edu: .subjects/Education/.childlit/.reviews/.notes
FTP: deeptht.armory.com: /pub/user/web/
AOL: Keyword: PDA; Select: Palmtop Paperbacks; Select:
Electronic Articles & Newsletters
Usenet: rec.arts.books.childrens
Email: "kidsbooks" mailing list
(kidsbooks-request@armory.com to join; please
include full email address in message)
Editor(s): Wendy E. Betts <web@armory.com>
Evan A.C. Hunt
Submissions: web@armory.com
Postal: P.O. Box 401, Santa Cruz, CA 95061-0401, USA
Notes of a Dirty Old Woman
"A weekly column that'll gradually, graphically assemble a
semi-literary map of the coptic, neo-goth city of Coven Pride. It's
all about love, labor, and traversing ones days over a landscape of
pain. It lets in unsolicited submissions and keeps out only academes
and homophobes.""
Frequency: weekly installments
WWW: http://www.brown.edu/Departments/MCM/Rabyd/Vera_Rabyd_814.html
Email: rabyd@brownvm.brown.edu (Vera's nephew)
Editor(s): Vera Rabyd
"NutWorks was a humor 'zine from the early days of BITNET and
reflects the student-oriented humor of the time. Some good sources
for articles, jokes and original material though. Should be in
collectors' archives."
Format: ASCII text
Note: now ceased, this is all that there was, vols
WWW: http://curia.ucc.ie/info/net/mags/
Gopher: gopher.cic.net: e-serials/alphabetic/n/nutworks
FTP: curia.ucc.ie: /pub/mags/
ftp.cic.net: /pub/e-serials/alphabetic/n/nutworks/
"A hypermedia magazine of art and literature. It is our intention
that the artistic works in NWHQ can be ultimately "grown" into a
network of novel-length literature. As it is not a paper publication
we do not want to approach it as such; instead of a product, it is a
process. It changes and shifts over time, a labyrinth in progress.
Not everything is accessible from the front/homepage. Individual
writers may grow their works, others may dissappear."
Format: HTML
WWW: http://www.wimsey.com/~jmax/
Editor(s): Elizabeth Fischer <NWHQ@wimsey.com>
DISTRIBUTION: How to obtain this document
This document has been brought to you in part by CRAM, involved in the
redistribution of valuable information to a wider USENET audience (see
below). The most recent version of this document can be obtained via
the author's instructions above. The following directions apply to
retrieve the possibly less-current USENET FAQ version.
This FAQ is available from the standard FAQ server rtfm.mit.edu via
FTP in the file /pub/usenet/news.answers/writing/zines
Email requests for FAQs go to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with commands
on lines in the message body, e.g. `help' and `index'.
This FAQ is posted every 21 days to the groups
_ _, _ ___ _, __, _, _ _, ___ _ _, _, _ _ _, __, _, _ _ ___ __,
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CRAM: The Cyberspatial Reality Advancement Movement
In an effort to bring valuable information to the masses, and as a
service to motivated information compilers, a member of CRAM can help
others unfamiliar with Usenet `publish' their documents for
widespread dissemination via the FAQ structure, and act as a
`sponsor' knowledgable in the submissions process. This document is
being distributed under this arrangement.
We have found these compilations tend to appear on various mailing
lists and are valuable enough to deserve wider distribution. If you
know of an existing compilation of Internet information that is not
currently a FAQ, please contact us and we may `sponsor' it. The
benefits to the author include:
- use of the existing FAQ infrastructure for distribution:
- automated mail server service
- FTP archival
- automated posting
- a far wider audience that can improve the quality, accuracy, and
coverage of the document enormously through email feedback
- potential professional inquiries for the use of your document in
other settings, such as newsletters, books, etc.
- with us as your sponsor, we will also take care of the
technicalities in the proper format of the posted version and
updating procedures, leaving you free of the `overhead' to focus on
the basic updates alone
The choice of who we `sponsor' is entirely arbitrary. You always have
the option of handling the submission process yourself. See the FAQ
submission guidelines FAQ in news.answers.
For information, send mail to <ldetweil@csn.org>.
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